Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Okay changing everything from default to absolute fixed my world.. joy has come... slightly....


why wont trax editor ignore the other clips where they ended?!? example

U disable the other two clips in trax, and t he clip i created plays out exactly how i a nimated it, I turn on the other clips then they SOMEHOW affect the clip and cause it to r un or move and shape shift like some sort of ****ing blob from another ****ing dimension.!!!

trax editor

trax editor is retarded.

Run Cycle

run cycle, even though he is more along the lines of clodding, than running i dont have time for everything, it is sufficient. if i wanted better animations i would have done a full rig.

getting closer and closer

play blast of some trax editor animations, god what a battle.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rigging dayz

Ok update time i suppose

I have alot to update, And i am going to post it in individual posts so id ont have to be bothered with re-organizing pictures and crap around text. blogger sucks for that.

Monday, March 3, 2008

omg my scene

my main Slum scene has dissapered from my public folder, i have older backups of it, but thats rather..... ANNOYING. i had alot of things fixed in the updated version.. sigh.. last minute set backs...


i figured it out after 10 heart pounding minutes. okay thats all.